#11 Win the Presentation Game with David Hutchison
Quote of the Day: All great stories solve a problem - David Hutchison In this show we will discuss: Hutch’s career What is Fire Up Training? Who Hutch works with…
Quote of the Day: All great stories solve a problem - David Hutchison In this show we will discuss: Hutch’s career What is Fire Up Training? Who Hutch works with…
Is this even a question that I’m allowed to ask? Who am I to ask it? A lowly sales engineer? What gives me the right to question my sales…
Quote of the Day: The buyer is scared to death of making the wrong decision - John Haldi In this show we will discuss: John's Drunken Career Path Curiosity built…
How do I break into sales engineering? I've been asked that question a few times since I've started my career as a Sales Engineer. I've even…
Quote of the Day: This is a give and take, we’re here to support the sales reps, but we’re not in servitude to those folks - Andrew Curtis In this…
Quote of the Day: When making the move to the business side, engineering almost gets in the way - Harshad Kolte In this show we will discuss: Career Trajectory (…
Quote of the Day:That's what working with sales people is like, herding cats - Todd McCullough In this show we will discuss:Todd's versitile careerSystems Engineer vs Sales EngineerDifference between process in…
Quote of the Day:Start with the outcome in mind, then start backwards - Mohammed Barkhad In this show we will discuss:The career path to get to Consulting Sales EngineerNetworking CertificationDifference between…
Quote of the Day: Take change as a learning opportunity vs a detriment - Ralph Daniels In this show we will discuss: Ralph's career What is a PM and his…
Quote of the Day: It's up to you to aggressively manage your time - Anum Faizan In this show we will discuss: His Role as an SE His sales cycle/process…
Quote of the Day: Customers are different, it's not that there is one size fits all - Hikmat El Ajaltouni In this show we will discuss: Discovery meeting Account Managers…
Quote of the Day: The SE's job never ends- Chandan Mohapatra In this show we will discuss:Chandan's Career TrajectoryPre-Sales VS 2nd tier supportRoles of a good sales engineerWhat an SE is supposed…