Let’s improve your skills level to help you get your dream job, increase your circle of influence, and get paid for it. We help Aspiring SEs, Sales Engineers at all levels to improve their skills allowing them to make more money, and be happier at work. We help SE Leaders create streamlined processes to speed up sales cycles, help close more deals and reduce attrition in their workforce.


What is We The Sales Engineers? And What is the Hotline?

We The Sales Engineers is a one-stop-shop for all Sales Engineering and PreSales Content. This is a resource for Sales Engineers by Sales Engineers which has helped people from all over the world get noticeably better at their craft.

If you need a bit more hand-holding, the hotline is there for you with your very own Coach and training material to help you achieve your goals.

Meet the head coach

Ramzi Marjaba

Ramzi has been in a few positions throughout his career. He started off as a Support Engineer at a major networking company, then moved on to Network Design Engineer, and since 2014, he’s been in Sales as a Sales Engineer, Lead Sales Engineer, Hybrid Sales Engineer, and Solution Specialist.

Throughout, his passion has been with helping others achieve their goals. He’s designed networks for Tier 1 organizations, helped customers like Cisco and Nokia, but the proudest Ramzi has been when a human being tells him that Ramzi’s has changed their lives.

Here from the people that Ramzi helped

Hear from the people that Ramzi has helped: From Fil Caprial Ramzi has made such a big impact on my career. I had been following Ramzi’s podcast for a while and was always impressed with his content about Sales Engineers. I had been in the consulting industry for more than a decade and always found myself struggling with pursuing a path toward deep technical development or technical sales. I came to Ramzi for coaching and mentorship and found he has a great ability to help you figure out your own strengths and capitalize on them. He doesn’t spoonfeed you advice but instead asks you hard questions to make you discover more about yourself. After a few sessions, Ramzi really helped me figure out my “why” and my passion and I decided to go down the Sales route. His mentorship has really helped make me a more polished Salesman and Engineer. I’m truly grateful! From Anthony S. Palmoze Ramzi has been a great mentor to me. I have learned from him both directly and indirectly about Sales Engineering. Ramzi is a great listener, personable, and provides the most in-depth knowledge and expertise on being successful in the industry. I recommend any aspiring and seasoned sales engineer to connect with Ramzi. He sure wants to see those he connects with win!

Listen to our conversations with PreSales Pros

What is Coaching?

Coaching is not telling you what to do. You’re not 5. If you are and you’re reading this, maybe you can be our coach.

Coaching is the process of providing guidance based on years of experience so you can decide what is best for you, and what you need to do. Coaching is also the process of providing accountability to do it.

Why Coaching?

Why not? Jeff Bazos has one. Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Steve Jobs and many more leaders have had coaches. Sales Engineers are the athletes of the sales world and we don’t. We have managers who do their best, but are too busy, usually, putting out fires. Salespeople have coaches.

We have managers who do their best, but are too busy, usually, putting out fires. Salespeople have coaches.

The reason why is the coach is an outside voice. Someone who’s seen so much through his or her own practice, and through working with many more. That way, you can know if you’re on the right track.

If you have any more questions, or you want to learn more about it, schedule time with our head coach by clicking the button below. Ramzi will not ask you to buy or sign up. He is just going to listen, ask a few questions, and answer yours.

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