#86 Network Neighborhood What is a Sales Engineer

what it’s like to be a sales engineer. What’s the job description? How is a sales engineer compensated? What do IT engineers on the buying side of things get wrong about sales engineers? What makes a good sales engineer? How can a sales engineer gently explain to an account rep that there’s actually nothing to sell the customer?

Continue Reading#86 Network Neighborhood What is a Sales Engineer

So You’ve Just Joined the Forum, Now What?

Fill in your profile - If you're here to network, gain insight, or market yourself to potential employers, people are going to want to know more about you. We've got the “About Me” in your profiles where you can tell others who you are and what you're here for (general info about you). You can copy that off of LinkedIn. If you do have your own blog or general site, include that in the appropriate section

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#82 Sales Engineering Enablement – The SE Toolkit

The Sales Engineer is not an island. Contrary to popular belief, we need a lot of people behind us to be successful. From Product Managers to support engineers, we cannot do it alone. If we are lucky, we have someone like Marjorie working to make sure we have everything we need to be successful.

Continue Reading#82 Sales Engineering Enablement – The SE Toolkit