#135 Advancing to Something … Different

Our guest today is no stranger to the podcast, and if you’ve been tuning in long enough then he might not even need an introduction. Nevertheless, I wanted to interview Binayak Konungo on this episode because he just moved to a new company and I thought it might be nice for you, the listener to get an insider look at how he did it.

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#134 Upgrade Your Career Through a Side Hustle

Tim Brömme and Jan-Erik Jank are presales professionals and leaders with a passion for technology, people, and leadership. They are also hosts of the Sales Excellence Podcast, a podcast for Software B2B Sales & Presales. In this episode, we chat about how they started podcasting, what they love about it, and what they want to improve upon.

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#133 8 Questions to Ask Yourself for a Better Resume

When someone is writing their resume, the most common thing is to just write down what their role entails, however, the focus should be more about what they have done for that company and what they can do for the next company. So here are 8 questions you should ask yourself while building your resume

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