4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Growth Starts When We Accept We Are Wrong

By Ramzi Marjaba

4/1/1 Weekly


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote


I’ve been podcasting for almost 4 years, and have accumulated 200 episodes. In my latest episode, I shared the 20 lessons I’ve learned while talking to hundreds of people. 

Check out the episode here.

I’ve learned so much by talking to all these people, whether I agree with them or not. For example, early on in my career, after figuring out what the sales cycle is ( a year and a half into my career) I decided that SEs have no part of the qualification process. As I worked with different salespeople, saw their strengths and weaknesses, and talked to different SEs, my thoughts about the qualification of a deal as a Sales Engineer has changed. I share my latest thoughts about that in the video below

Let’s talk about the rest of the 4/1/1


4 Random Thoughts From Me:


1- You learn more by talking to people than by reading books. I love books, but you cannot ask a question when reading a book, at least not to the author. That’s why I love podcasts. I get to ask questions. A good podcaster asks not only the questions they want to ask but what the audience wants to be asked as well. But it’s impossible to do that for all the questions. That’s why, in addition to reading, listening to podcasts and other sources, you need to form your community. 

2- The community cannot be of people who all think alike either. That way, we will limit what we can learn. It has to be people who think differently than you.

3- Keeping an open mind is a very important aspect of learning. Knowing that you might be wrong and someone else might be right is hard on the ego, but needed in order to grow and get better.

4- Another aspect of learning is thinking. We can learn all we want, if we don’t take time to think about it, it will never sink in. So we need to have some form of scheduled time to think about it. I like writing these 4/1/1s and youtube videos because it gives me a chance to think about what I’m learning, and then offer it to you in hopefully the clearest manner possible.



1 Tool:


A Proper Mic


I used the Audio Technical 2100 (affiliate link) for a long time during the podcast or even customer meetings, and it would work for many people. It plugs straight into the computer and you’re good to go. I have since purchased the Rode Wireless Mic because I like to move around on calls, but that is more of an overkill. A good pair of headphones would be more than enough.

1 Quote:

“Being wrong is acceptable, but staying wrong is totally unacceptable”

– Jack D. Schwager

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