4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation
4/1/1 Learn, Improve, Add Value and Become Irreplaceable
- January 13, 2022
By Bini Kanungo
4/1/1 Weekly
4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote
We always talk about the relationships between SEs and Sales, or SEs and customers. This is an incomplete view of the SE ecosystem. SEs work with so many different teams and organizations in the organization and outside the organization.
In the video below, I talk about all the different teams that SEs have to interact with and partner with in their organization:
I also talk to Derrek Young on this week’s podcast where the conversation focused more about how SE Managers can partner with their SEs to build a great feedback culture amongst other things.
Check out that podcast episode here.
My 4/1/1 is based around the conversation I had with Derrek.
4 Random Thoughts From Me:
1- SEs come from all walks of life. Musician, MMA Fighter, Engineer, Retail Sales and so many more career paths into Sales Engineering. The challenge is getting coached by the managers and teammates. So when you’re interviewing for jobs, make sure that they will be available for you and they are invested in your success.
2- L.O.L.A: Listen, Observe, Learn, Assess is a great way to go through life. Getting better every day through LOLA would set you up for success vs remaining stagnant.
3- Derrek mentioned having a feedback culture. Sometimes we don’t need someone to provide verbal feedback. Someone’s reaction, attitude, body language all provide indirect feedback, and if we observe and assess. Then we can learn.
4- Be the best you can be at what you do. Be irreplaceable and then show the world. This will give you the ability to have candid conversations with your managers without fear of being replaced.
1 Tool:
Still in the process of learning it, but I just used it in the video above to whiteboard. It can be used for many things it seems, such as brainstorming with the team, presentation and workshopping. It’s still a learning process.
1 Quote:
“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” ― Ernest Hemingway
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