4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation
4/1/1 Focus on Teamwork to Arrive at Dream Work
- September 16, 2021
By Bini Kanungo
4/1/1 Weekly
4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote
Hopefully the last many months have been eventful in each of your respective lives. Whether it be from things you’ve done or things you’ve learned, things you’re now better at, or things that you’re more at peace with, a lot of things take time, and despite how fast it’s going by, I can’t deny that we’ve had a bunch of it. Something else that takes time is the posturing of Sales Engineering to provide all of the value it can provide to an organization, which often requires leaders to change how they view pre-sales, and for Pre-Sale leaders to take an active role in empowering their teams to being as valuable as they can. This is discussed quite a bit with this week’s guest, Tony Francetic, Solutions Consultant Manager, Tax Professional Sales, at Thompson Reuters, as he discusses what it’s like leading a team of 22 and getting pre-sales the recognition it can warrant.
Also, if you’re trying to up your game by improving your skills, but don’t know which to start with, here’s a video Ramzi just posted. It’s part 1 of 2 talking about the SE Skills Pyramid, going from the basic building blocks to more advanced topics in Sales engineering
Without any further ado, let’s jump right in.
4 Random Thoughts From Me:
1 Tool:
Speaking of reflecting and learning more about the people (and things) around you, check out Atlas Obscura, to learn more about the interesting things in locations you may already be familiar with (or so you thought).
1 Quote:
“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.”– Booker T. Washington
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