#4 Overcoming Fear with Anum Faizan
Quote of the Day: It's up to you to aggressively manage your time - Anum Faizan In this show we will discuss: His Role as an SE His sales cycle/process…
Quote of the Day: It's up to you to aggressively manage your time - Anum Faizan In this show we will discuss: His Role as an SE His sales cycle/process…
Quote of the Day: Customers are different, it's not that there is one size fits all - Hikmat El Ajaltouni In this show we will discuss: Discovery meeting Account Managers…
Quote of the Day: The SE's job never ends- Chandan Mohapatra In this show we will discuss:Chandan's Career TrajectoryPre-Sales VS 2nd tier supportRoles of a good sales engineerWhat an SE is supposed…
Quote of the Day: Never raise an objection, a customer will come up with plenty on their own - Bill McCarel In this show we will discuss: ⦁ Bill's history …