#192 Selling with Authentic Enthusiasm

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You’ve been told that you need to be a salesperson to succeed in sales engineering. But what if I told you that being pushy, annoying and salesy isn’t the key? In fact, it might even hurt your chances of success.


If you want to close more deals and sell more without being a jerk or feeling like an idiot, you need to understand that sales is a service. It’s not just about making money. When done right by a professional, it’s something you’re doing for that person, and with them, not to them. My guest today, Jason Cutter will teach you how to not only make sales but also build relationships at the same time so everyone wins! And best of all – no one feels awkward afterward!


Jason Cutter is a Sales Success Architect & Keynote Speaker and Author of the book Selling With Authentic Persuasion. He has spent the past 17 years selling and leading sales teams. He’s seen the perennial problems facing salespeople and has helped individuals and teams move past their insecurities and find success in sales. Hopefully, in this episode, he can help you do the same as a sales engineer.

Key Takeaways:

  • A quick background of Jason’s journey as a marine biologist, mortgage specialist, and then moving on to being a salesperson and getting into sales consulting
  • Where sales and salespeople got a bad rep for being known as “dirty”
  • Why Jason went into sales even if he admittedly didn’t like being labeled as a salesperson
  • How Jason realized he actually liked sales and enjoyed talking with people while working as a busser at a restaurant
  • Why most introverts make great sales engineers
  • People don’t realize most careers actually involve sales and selling
  • Jason’s advice for sales engineers like Ramzi who don’t want to be like the classic salesmen who are salesy or using sleazy techniques 
  • What does authentic persuasion mean? 
  • Jason’s number one tip for sales engineers when selling 
  • How Jason realized that selling doesn’t have to be “dirty” or sleazy
  • What differentiates a great salesperson from ordinary salespeople who do sales the wrong way
  • A huge shift Jason made to the way he viewed sales and has also helped other people become better at sales
  • What customers actually want out of every sales conversation
  • Why Jason wrote his book “Selling with Authentic Persuasion”


“Here’s the number one tip for all the SEs listening is when in doubt, do the opposite of what you think a salesperson would do.” – Jason Cutter


“One of the best things you can do to help yourself down the road is also set the right expectations upfront.” – Jason Cutter


The best thing you can do as a sales engineer selling anything is set an expectation. Tell them what’s going to happen. Have that thing happen so that you’re right that it happened, and then that will build trust.” – Jason Cutter


“Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.” – Jason Cutter


“Salespeople think their job is to spit lots of knowledge. But that’s that customer wants wisdom, which is the application of knowledge and information for their situation to help them on the other side safely.” – Jason Cutter


“What I focus on is helping people who are struggling in sales, realize their role as a guide, and to help with wisdom, and uncover that one question I mentioned. Once you do that, the rest of it’s easy.” – Jason Cutter

Links from the show:

Music on the show: Watchmaker’s Daughter by Reeder