4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 – Who Inteviews the Interviewer?

By Bini Kanungo

4/1/1 Weekly


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote 


Welcome to September! The year continues to go on in whatever limbo state we’re in.  Paralympics are in full swing, school is starting up again, and pumpkin spice everything’s slowly making their way back into stores.  Just as the seasons flip over, so do interview dynamics, where there has been an increased emphasis on interviewees interviewing their prospective employers as much as they are being interviewed for a job.  This week’s show has on Akshat Srivastava, Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, to discuss some best practices in interviews to make sure he’s getting from the interviewer all he needs to know.

Check out our show with Akshat here


On a lighter note, check out this video about the things the SEs never say in collaboration with Chris Colburn of Demostory.io

Check out the video here

With so much good information to be taken from the show, let’s dive right into the 4/1/1!


4 Random Thoughts From Me:

1- Interviews are a numbers game.  The more interviews you do, the more comfortable you’ll be in each of them.  Additionally, and this was mentioned in the show, but the more interviews you have when chasing a single job, the more comfortable you’ll be in any given interview knowing that you have backups just in case.
2- The importance of knowing your audience.  Interviews can be nerve-wracking for a variety of reasons, one of which being trying to make a good first impression to whoever may be on the other side of the table.  Different people will have different tastes and preferences for different things, whether it be the level of detail expected in an answer, or their unique sense of humor, try to gauge who you’re speaking to in order to formulate responses that are aligned to what they like.
3- Past experiences shape you.  This is true in general, but in the context of interviews, the more positions you hold, or just experiences you have, the more you’ll know what to ask about, as you’ll want to contrast how your potential future job was to those you had in the past.
4- Be nice and respectful to EVERYONE.  When you’re going in for an interview, you never know who may have more sway in the decision-making process than expected.  Oftentimes, a receptionist will make a final call where if you were rude to them, they may override a hiring manager’s decision because you showed your true colors when your guard was down.  So just to be safe, be nice to everyone.


1 Tool:

The Road to Sales Engineering

Whether you’re trying to become a Sales Engineer or you are one but it’s been a while where you haven’t done an interview, check out Ramzi’s course, the Road to Sales Engineering where he talks about the interview process, how to ace the interviews and finally, how to negotiate a good salary.


1 Quote:

“The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.”
—Thomas Jefferson


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