4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Understand Why You Do Something to Plan How to Do It

By Ramzi Marjaba

4/1/1 Weekly


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote


During the last few weeks, my employer has been trying to hire an entry-level Sales Engineer in my territory. I’ve interviewed some, and when I ask them why they want to be a Sales Engineer, many of them state the same thing: Combining business with the technical.  It is starting to feel like a canned response. 

During the Not So Fire Round on the podcast, I ask a similar question which is “What do you love about …” replace the blank with their current position, and almost everyone has a more profound reason. In this week’s episode, I asked Jan Erik about why he has stayed in one company, and his reason was profound. You will have to listen to the episode, or the snippet on LinkedIn from yesterday to find out what that is.

Check out the podcast here

Let’s get to the 4/1/1, all about “Why”!


4 Random Thoughts From Me:


1- Find your why. I’ve read that statement in so many books. The Power of Habit being one that I can remember off the top of my head right now. If you understand your why, whether it’s why you want a specific job, or why you’re doing a job, it will provide a purpose. And if you can articulate that to family and friends, you will probably have their support as well.


2- The Whys change as our lives change. My why when I was 25 was very different than today. It’s not just because I’ve grown and changed, but now I have a family that I need to think about, different friendships, and so on. 


3- If your job doesn’t satisfy your why, it doesn’t mean that you have to leave immediately. You can work with your management team to get opportunities to satisfy your why. Or, you can start a side hustle. If all else fails, you can find another job. There is no guarantee however that your new job will satisfy that why for you.


4- It took me years to find my why. The reason for that is I never asked myself that question. If you want to find your why, you will need to ask yourself. It doesn’t magically appear. 



1 Tool:

The One Thing by Garry Keller is a great book. There is also a business build all around it with a website and some freebees. 
I’ve used the freebees to try to understand my Why, and you can check it out here
The site will ask you for your email. I figured you should know before you go through the trouble. 


1 Quote:

“Find your why and you’ll find your way” – John Maxwell

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