4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Proof of Value: The Bermuda Triangle of Sales Engineering

By Ramzi Marjaba

4/1/1 Weekly


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote


I’ve worked with so many people since I’ve started We the Sales Engineers and everyone has their own thoughts around a Proof of Concept (POC), Proof of Value (POV), or Pilot. These could mean the same thing to some people and could have completely different definitions for others. For example, a Pilot could be paid. A proof of concept could mean that we will prove to the customer that the product works the way we say it works, and the POV could mean that we will show you how much your work gets easier when you try the product. 

In the end, you have to prove that whatever you are selling will have a positive impact on what the customer cares about.

That being said, they are all managed the same way, no matter how generic or custom they are. The details of what goes on in a POC might be different, but the management will be the same.

So this week’s 4/1/1 is around that topic, and the podcast episode this week was also around it.

Check it out here.

And on an unrelated topic, or it could be related actually, I created a video this week about the life lessons I’ve learned from Sales Engineering. One of them is project management!

Now, on to the 4/1/1


4 Random Thoughts From Me:


1- If not managed properly, POCs are where deals go to die. That’s why we have to treat it like a project and treat ourselves like project management. The more prepared we are for a POC, and the more prepared for what to do when things go wrong, things tend to go right.


2- Demos can fit in different spots of the sales cycle. Some can be used at the start of a sales cycle, but the usefulness of such demos is very dependent on how complicated or customizable the product is. 


3- POCs are a great opportunity to build relationships with customers. You can learn more about them, their needs, any future opportunities, and most importantly if the solution is right for them.


4- Here’s a controversial thought, sometimes Sales Engineering is boring. We have to attend useless meetings, we get on airplanes without great service, I used to drive for hours. Not everything is glitz and glamour, but we have to take the good with the bad!


1 Tool:


Cold Turkey

We’re living in a world of distractions. We sit at our desks and there are so many different tools begging for our attention. I’ve recently downloaded Cold Turkey, the free version, and it’s been fairly impressive in helping me block out certain websites and even my emails in some situations. 

1 Quote:

“Short cuts make long delays.”

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

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