4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Finding Allies To Help Make Everyone Better

By Ramzi Marjaba

4/1/1 Weekly


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote


Some Companies have weird Fiscal Years. Mine ended on October 31, which makes Halloween with the kids a bit more stressful. That’s why I aim to hit my quota before then, so I can enjoy my time with the kids instead of checking my phone.

As Sales Engineers, how can we help with that? For one, we can stop being demo jockeys and become trusted advisors. Check out my conversation with Andrew Morari who by doing this, showed his value to his organization and got promoted into more senior roles. 

Listen to our show with Andrew here.

One way to get the sales team’s trust is to help them speed up the sales cycle. This is what I discuss in the video below

Once you get over that scary picture in the YouTube thumbnail, check out the 4/1/1 below


4 Random Thoughts From Me:

1- Spoiler alert from the interview with Andrew, salespeople are not the enemy. They were the allies that enabled Andrew to change the presales process in his organization. Why? Because it’s better for them. 
2- I’ve never seen a salesperson go against their personal interest. If we can show them that it’s their best interest to get us involved early, allow us to join the discovery call, help them get to no faster, or even yes, they will take your advisement under consideration.
3- Meeting people is one of the most important activities that you can do. Whether it’s in a business setting or a fun setting. I found my first job post university after 4 months of job search at a barbeque. Right now there are so many ways to meet people, but it’s getting harder to build real connections and relationships. So the focus should be on quality of connections vs the quantity.
4- One of the SEs Andrew hired was a bartender. Goes to show that you don’t have to be one type of person with one set of experience (technical usually) to be a great SE. Passion and drive usually trump experience. 


1 Tool:



The whiteboard I used in the above video is a Rocketbook whiteboard. Like the Rocketbook notebook, you can take a picture of the whiteboard and it can automatically add it to Evernote, OneDrive, Dropbox, or any email. The link above is an affiliate link btw, so I’d appreciate the support if you go through that link if you choose to purchase one of their products. 

1 Quote:

“Those who are coerced by force become our enemies, those who succumb to reason become our allies.”
― Alexandre Dumas,

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